Cultural Museum Exhibit

DUE DATE:Friday, October 17th.

40 Points


The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York plans to launch a new exhibit entitled �American Culture: What Is It?�They seek exhibits that highlight the cultural norms, values, and practices of a variety of Americans . . . including, of course, those of American teenagers in Spokane.


With that in mind, you will create a museum exhibit that highlights YOUR cultural norms, values, and practices.To do this, you will want to draw on the work we�ve already done in class.Think about the poetry we have read and written, the circles of influence exercise we did, and the class discussions we have had on the topic as well as discussions we have had about communicating ideas effectively.Think also of any museum exhibits you may have seen in the past and how effectively (or ineffectively) those exhibits communicated their ideas.How would you communicate your ideas as effectively as possible in a multi-media museum exhibit to be displayed in the MET (or other great museums such as The F118 Museum of Art and Culture)?


Some elements to include:


  • Your Cultural Poem.Use this as a starting point to organize your exhibit.What could you do to build off of this poem to make an effective exhibit?


  • Cultural Symbols that reflect your various circles of influence (i.e. friends and family, city, state, country, world etc.).


  • Visuals that capture your cultural experiences (i.e. artifacts that showcase your interests and experiences�sports, writing, video games, music, traveling etc.).


  • Interactive elements (hands-on materials, sounds, music, etc.) that allow people to see a more complete view of who YOU are.


  • The writing in this exhibit should demonstrate your increasing understanding of effective communication.Use the class grading guide to help you do your best work.


To research more ideas for museum exhibits, visit the following web site:


Or do your own web search for �museum exhibit ideas.�


After people finish looking at your exhibit, they should have a very clear idea of who you are, how your culture has shaped you in different ways, and how you have impacted your culture.��


This is a culminating project that cannot be re-done.All of the work we have done in class has helped you to prepare for this.Bring materials to work on this in class on Monday.